Thursday, May 14, 2009

All Roads Lead to the Sea..almost done

Well, yesterday my friend Pinelands Barb challenged me. She finished her All Roads quilt, except for the fence. So I had to get sewing. This morning, I went to my sewing room and when Barb called later...I had finished (minus the fence too...that has abt 96 pieces in it alone! ) but... was ripping out one little section . We both have gotten good at ripping out :) It's all put back together . Hurrah! Barb & I have had a great time cutting,sewing,agonizing over fabric, & most of all enjoying each others friendship. As Barb said in her post, the pattern is the same but we used our own stashes so the quilts do have a different look. So neat to see! When our fences are put on the quilt, we will post a side by side picture .

p.s...I'm not to fond of the one tree next to the schoolhouse. It blends into the grass. In person it's not so obvious so I'm not going to really worry abt it. does bother me in the picture.


Anonymous said...

What fun to see the fruits of our labors (and friendship :) posted here. It's absolutely stunning!

Pat said...

What a GREAT idea to do a side-by-side photo when both are completed. These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL....and you both should feel so proud of the work you did on them!