Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A "Scarlet O'Hara" quilt

A friend of mine asked me to make her a quilt. She showed me fabric ( old draperies) & said these were the colors she would like to have in her quilt. I asked her if she was using the drapes. She wasn't so I suggested that we make the quilt from the drapes. While I was making this, I kept thinking of Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind & her dress made of drapes). My friend chose a simple star pattern. I used Kona Snow for the background & picked out a blue/green for the border. She also asked if I'd make pillow shams. ( a "first" for me) . The quilt measures 90"X 90" & I hand quilted around the stars. The shams are also hand quilted. I made a 16" pillow cover too ( not pictured) .


Barbara said...

Now this is a work of art, great job Barb! You thought of Scarlett O'Hara, appropriately so. I had to giggle when my next thought was of a Carol Burnett skit where she is coming down the stairs actually wearing the draperies, rod and all. Did you ever see that?

busylizzy said...

Very nice Barb. I bet she loved it all.